Saturday, February 17, 2007

Has Spring Arrived??

It has been a lovely, beautiful day. Fifty-six degrees and a lot of sunshine. It seems like spring has just arrived, but want to remember Mr. Winter can still give us a few surprises!!! We took a walk today, went to the P.O. and to the office. I came home and made chili soup, and vegetable soup. Mr. changed the oil in the van, and did a few errands around here. After a nap, he went
to the indoor swimming pool. His back has been bothering him again. I even had time for a few phone calls, and a little sewing. I started on a flannel quilt. Now, I am waiting for Mr. to return. Hope you all had a good day, too.

Bear Paw Quilt

I made this for my Mr. It is one of the first ones I made.

My two last projects!!!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

AZ state flower????

Beautiful!! Just don't pick....stickers????