It has been a busy time, but we are enjoying it very much. It is not fun going to the stores, etc. so you try to find a time it isn't so busy!! L. and K. came first and then D. and A. They left this morning for home. We had lots of fun at the pool, even when it was raining!! Except someone left a shower on, and we had cold showers!!! J. had flown to IA to get his dad, and they returned in the meantime. We look forward to J. and J.'s coming tomorrow. On Sunday evening after G. Mtg. we had supper at my niece and her family in Gilbert. Her brother-in-law and family arrived from NE. while we were eating. Last night we had friends over from Ontario...they are snowbirds, too. On Monday the men delivered a table to one of our elderly ladies, then J., D., and A., went on a mountain climb with some snowbirds from MN. The first week of January we look for my brother and wife for a week. Jerry's niece is coming next week to see her Grandpa. One day while the girls were here we visited the Swap Meet, we also went with D. and A., and we'll hope to go with J. and Jo's! We'll hope to go there again Friday or Saturday. We want to wish everyone a very "Happy New Year!"