Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Rest Stop!

Fun at the Pool With Grandma!

We had our own private pool today, didn't we Philip? It felt so wonderful. The water was just right even though there was a cool breeze!

A Morning Visit!

What da ya say, Uncle Donald?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ladies Tea!

Today Bernice and Joann had a tea for the ladies. They did a lovely job, and the food was delicious. Jerry had the camera so I couldn't take pictures. I think there was about 17 of us. Great job, ladies!

Monday, February 9, 2009

A Sunday to Remember!

We had a wonderful Sunday with two meetings, but an unusual one, also. During Sunday a.m. meeting it really rained hard, had a real loud thunder, and hail. After meeting they opened the door and it was very hard to hear each other. Needless to say it has really cooled down into the 50's!! I am shivering!! Hey, we had to turn up the heat! You have to realize it was in the 80's, so 50 is really cool! Don and Rosie came over in the evening and we played MX. Train and Jerry made popcorn! All of our daughters called, too.